Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Why You Need a Topographic Survey in Malibu

Expanding into new areas gives builders an opportunity to tame the land. However, without a Malibu topographic survey, that land cannot be properly developed. Governmental agencies, engineers and architects use the surveys for different reasons. The surveys are a jumping off point for any project.

Governmental Agencies

Zoning and construction regulations are enforced by governmental agencies by the use of topographic surveys. They can evaluate the current infrastructure and make revisions as necessary. They also grant environmental projects based on the surveys.


A topographic survey reveals the elevation across the land’s surface. Engineers need to know land elevation to properly outfit a property. Sometimes dirt needs to be removed or brought in to achieve an appropriate grade to the land.


A 3D plot uses a topographic survey to create a design for a construction project. Architects needs to know land elevations and any features both natural and man-made on the project. The survey also shows property boundary lines and allows the architect to create a design to present to decision makers prior to construction.

A Malibu topographic survey is essential in the proper use and construction of the land. Knowing what is there ahead of time allows builders to account for the land saving time, money and hassle.

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